Bam Bam was second in his class on Wens in VT! And then yesterday he won his class. We are very happy with him. he comes out everyday and tries harder and harder!
Elise and Katrina had good days on Danny and Splouchie in the middle adults yesterday! they got ribbons in every class. it seems Danny had a change of heart from friday where he was well i won't say! Katrina won both her equitation classes on friday! Saugerties must have a good vibe to it this weekend. Hope they do well today. I'm still waiting on test results. Hoping to fly home on tues. the dr is doing the best with what he has here. i just want to come home. i'm upset i missed the party at the archaeological site last night, but my health is more important. i'll keep you posted. good luck katrina and Elise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you know you can buy valium, zanax, sleeping pills and anything else you can imagine but no pain meds stronger than tramal over the counter but not percochet? they don't even keep pain meds in the hospitals. I had to go to the hospital for severe abdominal pain, did they draw blood, do a cbc? take a urine sample to see what is wrong. no they gave me 2 unknown shots that missed the vein and now my arm is huge! pushed on my abdomin and said that is really painful isn't it! 3rd world countries! the owners of my hotel are the best, they check in on me and make sure i have everything i need!They just sent me on my way. thankfully the doctor in huaraz is trying to help me, calling my doc at home and trying to get me a pain killer. he even ran tests. i'll keep you posted. can't wait to come home! hopefully dr grana willl help the situation and i can get the right meds and be pain free! I'm going to the site for the final day regardless, want to hand in my completed work and say goodbye to everyone. hopefully i will be back next year. i really liked working with all of them! there are GOOD people in this world
there is a great thai restuarant in huaraz! can you believe it? tomorrow i return to the site, dr premitting. my lungs are congested again, yuck. thanks god for elise and ebay! i am able to replace the jackets i destroyed here, oops. i forgot to tell katrina my rite of passage at the new site was pot sherds. yuck and double yuck. cn classify ceramics with my eyes closed. how can you tell from a tiny little sherd what a vessel looked like. don't think you can but who am i? trepinations and culturally modified craniums! YAY!
I have pheumonia and it sucks! The new site is beautiful, two of the tallest mountains in the Blancas are in our back yard. Huascaran is actually the tallest mountain in the Andes 6778 meters! Wanduy is the other, it's actually the mountain we are studying. Kevin and Alex are wonderful and very professional. Actually everybody involved is great, th girls are very friendly. i had to come back to Huaraz to get my laptop and see a doctor . who happend to tell me I have Phuemonia and have to take 3 things including Dexamethasone.... I'll be happy to get back tomorrow, hopefully. I'll stay in the lodge nearby and then move back into the house when I am well. Here some pictures. i miss Napoleon and Bam Bam!
i walk into a camping/ climbing store in huaraz and saw caroline and her dad. i think they were as socked as i was. it was nice to see a face from the horseshow world. they are here to climb near where i start excavating with the columbians tomorrow so maybe i will see them again. yep it off to freeze in a tent for the next 10 days!
I have been working with a group from university de los andes, bogota, columbia on a set of remains from the chavin culture. they are a little known culture, especially from a skeletal and funerary aspect from long before the inka, moche, wari, etc. the remains contain alot of subadults, infants and fetuses. lots of pathologies too. here some pictures
I found mountain dew at a grocery store today. first time i've seen it since i've been here. $2 a can though, oh well it was worth it. I gave Miguel, 10, my camera today. The excitement on his face was unforgettable. He took pictures all day. The ones posted are his. I promised him I would make him a dvd of all the photos he took and that he could use my camera again. Tomorrow Cristhain, Nelson, Yuan and I are going to a remote site above their village with a large number of chullpas. It has never been excavated, village secret. I'm lucky the villagers like and trust me...... miguel is the boy in the top picture! he'd be very proud to know his picture was on the internet!
Bam Bam was first and second in his classes at fairfield! Marshall is really happy with him and I am too. it's amazing what good training does. I have been spending my days at Wilkahuain. Today Juan and I hiked from Wilkahuain to Monterrey! I was about 7km. Good practice for the lake, which takes an entire day to get there and then another day to get back. Should be fun. The people here are so kind, there is an elderly lady at Wilkahuain, about 102, that the entire village makes sure she has food. She can still walk and do her chores, it's amazing. The villagers say she is over 200 but i think they are full of it. They are teaching me Spanish and Quechua. I'm slowly catching on. Tomorrow I am going to Chavin finally!
today i flew from lima with the friends and family of the 3 americans who died in a climbing accident last year. they came to place a memorial plaque at site of their deaths. both families lost their children. very sad. our flight was delayed by 3 hours because we could only take 12 kilos of lugage each. one of my bags went with their stuff on a bus and hopefully i will see it tomorrow. this really is an adventure
i don't know why i even bother withthem. i go to fedex in lima to send my piece of shit solar panel back to the states and they want $164 to send it not including duties! that's about half its value. i dobt they would have even gotten it there considering half the time they lose thing especially coming from a third world country. guess it wil go back in my lugage! off to the museums
damn that movie star. cameron diaz was at machu picchu yesterday causing the hike to Wayanpicchu to be closed! she had the whole thing blocked off for security reasons, they usually only allow 400 people per day there anyway. oh well maybe another day. i think i am going to go back with one of the guys from huaraz so i can see areas of machu picchu tourist don't normally see and hike part of the inca trail. pays to know someone
it is beautiful! i will add to this at a later date. sick. even went to the clinic in machu picchu, they gave me 3 shots of god knows what. feeling better but my neck is locking up again, off insearch of a muscle relaxer
it's not gay pride week here it's a ceebration of cultural heritage, the rainbow flags threw me off. rainbows are symbols of gay pride in the states. i spent the morning watching a parade. the local children were dressed in native costums doing native dances. it was beautiful to watch. i walked around town for a while then returned to the hotel and ended up sleeping until 5pm. took a taxi to the train station to get a ticket for machu picchu but they were closed. the hotel told me to get a ticket to another site in the morning and then get one to machu picchu from the other site. if i have to stay another day it will be worth it. can't not see machu picchu. still dealing with business things, yuck. and today i am sick for the first time. yuck. back to bed!
the day starts out with being in a car accident in lima. yep, my taxi driver rearended another taxi..... crazy peruvian drivers. get to the airport and my flight to cusco is delayed 3 hours. what fun. get to cusco and my bank has frozen my crdit card because there are all these charges from peru. ya think i am in peru. so finally settled in cusco, the hotel tell me not to wear my watch or carry much of anything, high crime. even higher crime this week because it's GAY PRIDE week! off at 6am to machu picchu
i believe this example of moche ceramics says it all....... well after leaving marcajirca, which was the worst experience of my life i spent a few days in huaraz and then flew to lima where i am today. i must say bebel has no business running anything, no epi pins, no medical kit, no organization etc. he left people hiking up to the site with no water and further more they had no idea where they were going. people suck, i learned yet again you can't trust anyone, even my friend who igot into the project betrayed me while i was there. i hope they have fun with no water andthe freezing cold. i'm enjoying taking a nice long hot shower everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!! off to machu picchu tomorrow and then back to huaraz for some serious hiking
Today we decided to hike into the Cordillera Blanca's! And I will never listen to another peruvian again. They always say oh the hikes easy just a couple of hours, its flat. Boy did that not describe the hike to Lake Churup! It was a 40km hike that was very difficult, it even included rock climbing. Not my forte. I reached the point i couldn't breath and stopped letting everyone get ahead of me, when i finaaly got to the lake, I was faced with a vertical ascent up a waterfall to actually reachteh lake. I decided aginst it, being I HATE height but Christian, ot Peruvian guide spotted me from the lake. So Christian bounded down the waterfall to convince me i wanted to make the climb and i'm glad i did but it was not fun! The lake is crystal clear and the peak ofthe mountain is white with snow. it was beautiful. We got back at 7pm tonight after leaving at 7am. What a day. Tomorrow we are going to Wilkawauen, an archaeological site to play soccer (watch) with Christian, Fernando and Nelson. Who have been jillian and My guides in Huaraz. they are eating guinea pig, I think I'll decline.
So today Jillian and I along with our guide went to Guiterro Cave, oldest evidence of man in south america was found there. After that we walked around Yungay, the town in Peru which was destroyed by an avalanche in 1970 caused by 7.8 earthquake. Most of the world never heard about it because it was just a little mountain town in Peru. The memorial gardens are beautiful. So we take a bus on the way home, not a normal bus more like a mini van with people crammed in it like sardines. It makes a stop to pick up people and I look out the window and the driver is peeing on the side of the road right next to the van. That would be indecent exposure in the states! No problem in Peru, everybody does it! There is no toilet paper in the public bathrooms! No toilet seats! It's a different world here. I'm addicted to caffine. Tried to go without it today and got a splittting headache. Drank a coke, bye bye headache!
Jillian and I spent the morning doing our laundry in buckets! No washing machines here. I don't really think the clothes get all that clean. Apparently the rumor i Saugerties is I fell off the mountain and died. Didn't know a dead person could do bucket laundry! Off hiking tomorrow!
I am in Huaraz for the week! I am currently sitting in the California Cafe using WiFi on my MAC! The hotel sucks, It is so noisey. I got about an hour of sleep in total, I think I will upgrade to one of the more americanized hotels. At least I got a HOT shower this morning. There is a bit of academic competiviness going on.... Oh well. i have blood blisters on my toes from all the hiking. I will search the market for thick socks! Everything else is great. I am shrinking though...
Hello. On sunday we went to the site, which is unreal. It is situated on the peak ofthe andes at 3800-4400m depending on what sector you are in. The remains appear to be in great condition. Bebels dad showed be several tombs located away from the main site, which i am eager to excavate. The hike to the site is a monster, at least 1500 straight up! i choose to ride a sturdy mountain pony/mule. That was exciting, there were places on the trail so narrow that one false step and you fall off the ledge. My pony got me there safely. I did however choos to walk hime down the mountain, to scary to ride on the way down. i have obtained the nickname princess once again, oh well. The showers still suck! Luke warm water doesn't do it for me! I am in Huaraz forthe week, civilization and americanized food. I will post pictures tomorrow. Shrinking already!