the day starts out with being in a car accident in lima. yep, my taxi driver rearended another taxi..... crazy peruvian drivers. get to the airport and my flight to cusco is delayed 3 hours. what fun. get to cusco and my bank has frozen my crdit card because there are all these charges from peru. ya think i am in peru. so finally settled in cusco, the hotel tell me not to wear my watch or carry much of anything, high crime. even higher crime this week because it's GAY PRIDE week! off at 6am to machu picchu
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
what a day
the day starts out with being in a car accident in lima. yep, my taxi driver rearended another taxi..... crazy peruvian drivers. get to the airport and my flight to cusco is delayed 3 hours. what fun. get to cusco and my bank has frozen my crdit card because there are all these charges from peru. ya think i am in peru. so finally settled in cusco, the hotel tell me not to wear my watch or carry much of anything, high crime. even higher crime this week because it's GAY PRIDE week! off at 6am to machu picchu