Greetings from Huari. the bus ride here was so scary the police boarded it twice looking for drugs and checking ids and to top it off the bus broke down twice on these tiny little unpaved mountain roads. we made it! i have have no cell service here and no real access to internet. yesterday i spent in Huaraz with bebel and jillian, another american on the adventure. Jillian and i went to the markeyt and i was brave and bought fruit, mandrins, pineapple and pomegranate. they have thick skins so they are pretty safe. we got to see a collection of mummies which was not open to the public yesterday in Huaraz. It was awesome. I will post pictures when i can. the museum hasa huge collection of moche, chavin chimu and huari ceramice all of which i got to see. today jilian and i are going on a hike in huari in preparation for a trek we are going on while bebel is in Lima next week. the altitude is not too bad but i do feel a little weak. Bebel´s mother thinks I am going to starve , all i´ll eat is potatos bread, some fruit eggs and chicken and not much of anything. I´m going to shrink. I HAVEN´T HAD A SHOWER IN 3 DAYS YUCK! Also they have a cat eating festival in Huari. GROSS. bye for now